Who are MIT Democrats?

We’re a group of undergraduate and graduate students at MIT interested in progressive politics from Cambridge City Hall to Pennsylvania Avenue. After a decade-long hiatus, we returned in 2016 in a show of force, where we:
- Formed a Democratic Ward Committee for Ward 2 of Cambridge, where MIT resides.
- Organized over a dozen members of the MIT Community to successfully run as delegates to the 2017 Massachusetts Democratic State Convention — the largest and most successful organized convention effort of any college or university in Massachusetts. At the convention, we successfully brought to the floor three platform amendments on government data openness and research, child support reform, and refugee support, all of which were voted on and passed by the convention delegates.
- Hosted presidential debate watch parties, including one with the Forum and MIT GOP.
- Sent students to phonebank and canvass in New Hampshire, a state where both Hillary Clinton and Democratic Senate candidate Maggie Hassan won by a razor’s edge.
What’s up next?
Politics doesn’t just happen every four years, and we have a busy year ahead of us. We plan to:
- Work with MITvote2017 to build a get-out-the-vote and political data operation at MIT for local elections. MIT Democrats will also endorse and advocate for our preferred candidates in the 2017 Cambridge City Council elections this fall.
- Elect more MIT student delegates to the 2018 Massachusetts Democratic State Convention, which decides which candidates can get on the ballot Democratic primary ballot for governor.
- Prepare organizing for the 2018 national midterm elections.
Want to get involved with any of the above? Subscribe below. Have ideas of your own? Email us at mit-democrats-exe [at] mit [dot] edu.