
Check out our current projects and future goals below. Interested in getting involved? See our calendar for events coming up in the near future, and be sure to subscribe to our mailing list for notifications.

Local politics

We aim to connect the MIT community with local politics by publicizing opportunities such as serving as a representative on Cambridge’s Ward 2, which includes most of MIT’s on-campus housing, and becoming a delegate at the Democratic State Convention and setting the state party platform.

Voting at MIT

We organize voter registration events and mobilize students to vote locally. We’re also working with the administration to get incoming students automatically registered.

Progressive politics

We support progressive issues, movements, and leaders through endorsements and fundraising.

Current events

We’re responding to recent developments in national politics by organizing regular phonebanking and letter writing events, collecting representative and informative news articles, and writing regular updates on our blog.

Technology in politics

We want to emphasize the role technology can play and the impact scientists and engineers can have by
hosting a data science lecture series with the Economics and Political Science departments. We’re also working on connecting MIT students with progressive causes in need of technological help.

Exploring political philosophy

We’re working to find common ground with the MIT Republicans and eventually publish a bipartisan science journal as a guide for lawmakers. We’re also collaborating with Economics undergrads to learn about alternative economies.